
Refills & Labs


Please ask your pharmacy to request prescriptions via electronic prescribing. All prescription refills must be initiated by your pharmacist. This is the fastest, most efficient method of receiving your medications without error. Please call your pharmacist at least 24 hours in advance of picking up your prescription to give Dr. Zurinaga enough time to approve.

Mail-In Prescriptions

If you use a mail in service such as Express Scripts, Medco, etc., we will fill your prescriptions twice a year. So please, plan your refill needs accordingly.

Blood Work

We have a lab in our office where blood can be drawn during office hours for your convenience.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
8:10 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
8:10 am – 5:00 pm

Ready for an appointment?
Call our office to make an appointment or to refer a patient. Contact Us